Core Values, Vision And Mission

Core Values

Central University is guided by three tenets that form the basis of our activities: FaithIntegrity and Excellence.

Faith we have faith in the one and Living God, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and in the belief that knowledge without God is incomplete.

Integrity evidenced by high ethical standards including accuracy, honesty, co-operation, tolerance, and acceptance of obligations as well as rights, accountability to students, the University Community, the public and government and the International Central Gospel Church.

Excellence in all aspects of its activities, encouragement of intellectual openness to the examination of ideas and evidence and the questioning of accepted wisdom.

  1. Unambiguous Christian affirmation and devotion
  2. Continued and independent learning, intellectual development, critical analysis and creativity within appropriate ethical and moral standards
  3. Provision of a learning environment that encourages symbiotic relationships between staff and students
  4. Producing transformational leaders who are able to seek improved solutions problems and impact positively on social and cultural change
  5. Being at the cutting edge of modern business management techniques and practices
  6. Identification of talented people, appointing and retaining them and empowering them to realize their dreams
  7. Appreciation and valuing of cultural and intellectual diversity and ability to function in a multi-cultural environment
  8. According primacy and importance to students.

Our Vision

To raise virtuous and transformational leaders for our world.

Our Mission

To nurture a vibrant academic community conducive to the study, creation and dissemination of knowledge through research, teaching, training and service.

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