On Monday, April 29th, 2024, Executives of the Students’ Representative Council (SRC) made a generous donation in support of the CUcare fund at the Quality Assurance Conference room at the Miotso campus. Speaking on behalf of his team, the SRC president, Mr. Michael Kusi Yeboah mentioned that they had been monitoring with keen interest the impact the CUcare initiative has made on the life of beneficiaries and wanted to give to support the programme. In his brief remarks, he recounted the evolution of student welfare initiatives at Central University. Reflecting on the legacy of past efforts, he underscored the extension of their welfare package to encompass the CUcare fund. As he eloquently put it, “You make a living with what you get, but you make a life with what you give,” resonating deeply with all present and inspiring a renewed commitment to this cause.

The Finance Director, Mrs. Lily Nutakor expressed profound gratitude for their invaluable contribution to CUcare and assured the SRC that their support would be cherished and put to noble use, while also encouraging them to consider further contributions as their projects unfold.

On her part, The Ag. Director for the Counselling and Career Services Centre (CCSC) Mrs. Stella Etse underscored the importance of CUcare, emphasizing how even a contribution as modest as GH¢50.00 from anyone can create a substantial impact. She applauded the SRC for their proactive involvement, urging them to continue mobilizing students, for as the saying goes, “little drops of water make a mighty ocean.

The event was witnessed by Dr. Gloria Clarissa Dzeha, Head of Department for Banking and Finance, along with Ag. Directors of Academic and Students’ Affairs Directorate Mrs. Ruth Afful, ITC, Rev. Gustave Amuzu, and Corporate Affairs and Public Relations Directorate, Mr.Worlanyo Afenyo respectively, along with esteemed members of faculty and SRC representatives.

Everyone is called upon to continue to sow the seeds of generosity and compassion, knowing that our collective efforts will pave the way for a brighter tomorrow.

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