Sociology is the scientific study of societies, social interaction, the structures and relationships that are formed by social groups and individuals and the consequences these have for the stability and change in societies. The goal of the sociology programme is to train and develop a new generation of sociologists with relevant skills that will enable them adapt to the changing social and developmental needs of the Ghanaian society and the continent at large. The BA Sociology programme is a four-year programme that ultimately challenges the student to go beyond daily appearances and to appreciate the critical issues that shape modern society and social development. The programme takes at least four (4) years to complete.


The BA Sociology programme has been designed to:

  • Provide students with training to understand the nature of social interaction and the social behaviour of individuals in societies.
  • Offer students a better appreciation of the complex interplay of the forces that inform, guide and direct human social behaviour and thought processes.
  • Provide students with a more in-depth understanding of the complex nature and dynamics of modern society.
  • Enable students to gain experience working with and understanding people with diverse social and cultural backgrounds.

Real-World Application 

Social interaction occurs within diverse cultural, economic and political contexts. These interactions are influenced by time and place and have consequences for the life chances of individuals living within any society at every point in time. Sociological knowledge can be applied to understanding these social interactions since they occur at the level of individual interaction, institutional arrangements within society and the broader structural level of social organisation. Individuals also get to understand their own life situations and social positions because they will become familiar with the nuances that shape social life within social relationships. This also allows individuals to gain more control over their lives as they acquire a broader spectrum of perspectives with which they may evaluate and understand themselves, society and social interaction. 

Societies and cultures change from time to time under the influence of factors originating both from within and outside. This is also because contact between different societies and cultures is occurring rapidly especially in the present world with globalisation compressing time and space. Sociology provides the means for understanding these changes in light of the cultural similarities and differences and the factors responsible for these. Ultimately, people will be able to see beyond commonly held beliefs and understand the underlying forces that shape the conduct of individuals in any given society. They will also appreciate how various societies work for their own stability as well as change. By this means, misconceptions and ignorance about social relationships and social organisation will be eliminated.


Presentations, Individual & Group Assignments, End-of-Semester Examinations, Long Essay/Project Work


Graduates of the BA Sociology programme can be employed in the following areas:

  1. Civil Society & Advocacy
  2. Commerce
  3. Community Planning
  4. Governance & Administration
  5. Health Services
  6. Human Resource, Labour & Industrial Relations
  7. Journalism
  8. Law & Criminal Justice
  9. Marketing & Market Research
  10. Policy & Research
  11. Public Relations
  12. Security Services
  13. Social Services & Counselling (e.g. family planning, career, substance abuse)
  14. Teaching

Entry Requirements for admission of Students

a.    West African Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (WASSCE)

  • –    Credit passes (A1-C6) in six (6) subjects comprising three core subjects, including English Language and Mathematics plus three (3) relevant subjects.

b.    Senior Secondary School Certificate Examination (SSSCE)

  • –    Credit passes (A-D) in six (6) subjects comprising three core subjects, including English Language and Mathematics, plus three (3) relevant subjects.

c.    General Certificate of Education (GCE) Advanced Levels

  • –    Passes in three (3) subjects (at least, one of the passes should be Grade D or better). Also, the applicant must have had credit passes (Grade 6) in five GCE Ordinary Level subjects including English Language, Mathematics and a Science subject (for non-science students) and Arts subject (for Science students).

d.    Mature Applicant

  • –    Mature students must be at least 25 years of age. Applicants who do not have the required passes would take special mature students’ Entrance examination which consists of a general paper and two papers in the area(s) of specialization desired.e.    Foreign Applicants
  • –    Foreign applicants must have qualifications equivalent to the above. Their results must also be translated into English and they should be able to read and write in English. Prospective foreign applicants must also note that their certificates will be sent to the National Accreditation Board (NAB) for evaluation and verification.

Dr. Joseph Ocran – Programme Coordinator

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