Brief biographical introduction: Has expertise in teaching economics at all levels and has more than three decades of teaching and this includes Primary Schools, Junior High Schools, Secondary Schools and Universities. Inter alia St Roses Secondary, University of Professional Studies and Central University. Also has attained degrees and diplomas, 2021 Ph.D. (Economics) Universidad Empresarial De Costa Ric, 2003 M.Phil. (Economics) University of Ghana, Ghana, 1997 B.A. Social Science, Economics & Sociology, University of Cape Coast, Ghana,1997 Diploma in Education, University of Cape Coast, Ghana.

Research interest: Includes Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Labour Economics, Monetary Economics, Health Economics, Public Finance, Environmental Economics and Taxation.

Recent publications

Tetteh C.,Amoah, A., Asiama R.,Kwablah E& Ahiabor, G.  (2023). A test of behavioural changes to electronic levy: evidence from mobile money transactions in a developing country. Cogent Economics and Finance. 11(1). 2202963,  1-19

Tetteh, J. E., Ahiabor, G., Kwablah, E., & Amoah, A. (2022). Do presidential speeches matter during uncertainties? evidence from The Covid-19 Pandemic. Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development (JESD)1(2).1-15

Korle, K., Amoah, A., Hughes, G., Pomeyie, P., & Ahiabor, G. (2020). Investigating the role of disaggregated economic freedom measures and FDI on human development in Africa. Journal of Economic and Administrative Sciences36(4), 303-321.

Asiama, R. K., Amoah, A., & Ahiabor, G. (2020). Does mobile money business influence non-performing loans in the traditional banking sector? Evidence from Ghana. African Journal of Business and Economic Research15(4), 171-188

Ahiabor, G. & Amoah, A. (2019). Examining the effect of real effective exchange rate volatility on economic growth: Evidenced from Ghana. Journal of Economics and Economic Education Research, 20 (1), 1-14.

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