Christ Temple campus

The Programme is designed to enhance the career of students pursuing the Marketing programme by transferring to them comprehensive knowledge in theories and practice of marketing as pertains in Ghana and the world over.

Key Aims & Objectives

The Programme aims to enhance the students’ career in Marketing by giving a clear understanding of the principles and practice of marketing and management as it has developed in Africa and the rest of the world. Students, on completion of the course, will be ready to make a greater contribution to the marketing and management practices of their organisations and be capable of developing a successful and satisfying career both in private and public sectors.

 Specifically the Program has the following objectives:

• To give students an experience in marketing and the development of marketing plans to suit a range of market situations.

• To give students the opportunity to prepare, as part of their final marketing management project, a thorough analysis of business situations.

• To give students an understanding of marketing and international marketing and its importance to Ghana.

• To give students a critical understanding of contemporary marketing management theory and conceptual frameworks, and learn how to apply these into their business and professional lives.

Target Group & Careers

The Programme is designed for persons with interest to further their education and build career in marketing in both commercial and non-commercial settings including:

• Marketing Managers/Executives

• Advertising Research Professionals

• Public Relations Managers/Executives

• Business Development Managers/ Executives

• Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Managers

Entry Requirements

An applicant seeking admission to an MBA degree programme must:

a.    Have obtained a good first degree (at least a Second Class Lower) or its equivalent in an appropriate field of study from a recognised University.

b.    Satisfy any additional requirements prescribed by the faculties/departments. These may include relevant work experience, a written entrance examination and an interview.

c.    An applicant who possesses a first degree in the Third Class Division or a Pass and who has at least three years’ work experience may also be considered for admission into the Taught Master’s degree Programme. Such applicants may be required to take preparatory courses and pass written examinations and an interview before being considered for admission.

International Students

• International students may be considered for admission if they hold qualifications equivalent to those mentioned above.

Click here to apply


Admissions Office:

+233 [0]30 331 8607

Head of Department:



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