Library Policy



This shall be the policy document of the Central University Library Directorate. 

The Central University Libraries serve the information needs of the University. In achieving these goals, the Library will ensure access for all users who need information while implementing appropriate standards to provide for the preservation of library materials and resources.

The purpose of this Policy Document is to provide Academic and Library staff with guidelines for making decisions about the development, management and utilization of Library collections. 

MISSION: To pursue excellent modern practices to source, preserve, disseminate and apply information in support of learning, teaching, and research.

VISION: To strive for excellence in the provision of quality, relevant, current and timely information to raise transformational leaders.


The primary patrons of Central University Library shall comprise the following:

  • Council Members of Central University
  • The Management of Central University
  • Faculty Members of Central University
  • Students of Central University
  • Staff Members of Central University
  • Permitted Research/Visiting Scholars


The Library opening hours shall be as follows:

          9:00am – 9:00pm (Weekdays)

          9:00am – 5:00pm (Saturdays)

          9:00am – 11:00pm (Exams period)

This excludes statutory public holidays.

The operating hours are subject to review by the Librarian in consultation with the Pro Vice- Chancellor.


Central University Library shall use majority of its funds to develop a collection which reflects the educational objective of supporting the training and service programs of the institution. Upon request of a library material, the Librarian shall check with the Library stock to ensure that the Library does not already have a copy. However, if there is a latest version of a book in stock, then the Librarian shall go ahead and purchase the book. Five copies of a title shall be acquired at a time.

 In preparing the Library’s budget for future allocations, consideration shall be given to:

  • Changes in courses offered and introduction of new programs
  • Central University budgetary guidelines

The Librarian shall solicit and welcome suggestions and recommendations from Deans, Heads of departments, staff and students for the acquisition and retention of materials.

Materials shall meet high standards of quality in: 

  •     physical or electronic format, as appropriate
  •     treatment of subject
  •     accuracy and currency of information
  •     arrangement and organization
  •     literary style


The Librarian will consult the Pro Vice-Chancellor when the librarian is uncertain of the ethical implications of gifts or donations. The Library accepts donations or gifts in materials and cash only. The donation or gift may be declined if the donor wishes to impose conditions that cannot reasonably be met. The Library shall decline materials that are outdated with newer editions. In addition, the authenticity of the materials to be donated shall be screened.


The following are steps to follow upon receiving a book in the library:


  • No book is to be written in, cut or damaged in any form. Any defect or damage to a book should be reported to the Library staff
  • Readers must not trace any picture or figure from any book/material
  • Readers and borrowers will be held responsible for any damage to a book in their charge and will be required to pay the appropriate cost of such damaged books
  • Borrowers shall pay for the loss of any borrowed book


The Library believes that preserving the collections for continued use of its patrons is a natural extension of our collection development responsibility, and requires the allocation of budget for regular binding, repair and rebinding, preservation quality as well as other preservation methods when indicated. 


The Central University Library recognizes the importance of maintaining a collection of current, appropriate, and useful materials. Therefore, a periodic evaluation of the collection will be performed in order to remove or replace materials which are no longer useful. Weeding of resources shall be ongoing and the responsibility of the Library team. Regular, appropriate editing is vital, in order to maximise the usefulness of the collections, make best use of limited Library shelve space, and eliminate unnecessary administrative costs. Therefore, the Library shall remove materials not currently used to non-open access areas, and will withdraw unused duplicate copies. 

 The following guidelines have been developed to aid in the weeding process:

a.    There shall be weeding of Books:

  •     In poor physical condition and beyond repair
  •     Outdated or inaccurate
  •     No longer of use to library patrons and have not been borrowed in 5-10 years
  •     With worn-out volumes: dirty, brittle, yellow pages; missing pages; tattered covers; etc
  •     With badly bound volumes: soft, pulpy paper and/or shoddy binding
  •     With badly printed works
  •     of antiquated appearance which might discourage use

b.    Audio-visual  materials with missing or broken pieces shall be weeded

c.    Books weeded or withdrawn from the shelves will be shelved orderly, with the class number in the stacks for future requests for such materials

d.    Depending upon the currency or physical condition, some weeded items shall be donated to other libraries, offered to staff, or placed in the free books area of the Library for our patrons to acquire for their own personal collection

The above guidelines notwithstanding, the final decision concerning the removal or replacement of material rests with the University Librarian.


The Library offers a number of services namely:

  •     Reference and Reader Services 
  •     Circulation Services
  •     Information literacy skills course

Reference and Reader Services 

Reference and Reader Services to be offered in the Library shall include the following:

  •     Promoting personal assistance without discrimination to library patrons
  •     Selecting and organizing sources of information both in print and electronic to meet the changing needs of library users
  •     Setting standards and guidelines that ensure excellence in reference services
  •     Ensuring that library patrons receive consistently high-level services
  •     Registration of new library users
  •     Front desk and enquiry services
  •     User-education programmes (orientation and training)
  •     User records management
  •     Management of reference collections
  •     Enforcement of library rules and regulations
  •     Referral services

Services to patrons shall take precedence over other duties.

Patrons shall be notified when their materials are ready for collection

Circulation Services

All patrons shall present a valid students identification card. The patron is responsible for all materials borrowed in his/her name. Circulation privileges are not transferable from one person to another. You are responsible for all library items checked out on your library record.

Book Lending Services

Students, lecturers and staff shall borrow book/s over a period of time.

Inter-library Lending

The library staff shall borrow books for users from any of the Central University libraries and other libraries upon request.

Renewal of Borrowed Books

General Collection items may be renewed twice, unless another patron has requested the item(s). Materials shall be renewed before the due date.

Reservations of Library Materials

Patrons who need a book that is checked out to someone else may stop by the Circulation Desk with a valid ID to place a recall or hold request on that book. When the item has been returned, a notice will be sent out to the person who requested the hold or recall. The book(s) will be held at the Circulation Desk for 10 days. If they are not picked up by the 10th day, then they will be re-shelved.

Electronic Support Services

The electronic resources shall be used for educational or research purposes only. However, restrictions may apply to on-campus and off-campus users of certain databases. The terms and conditions of agreement between the user and vendors/publishers of these electronic resources shall regulate the use of the databases.

The Electronic support services to be provided shall include the following:

  •     Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) for Patrons
  •     Provision of electronic information resources namely, CD-ROMs, online databases and Internet services

The Library, through our required Information Literacy Skills training, will provide students with guidelines for evaluating websites and search strategies for finding the most appropriate information from the web. In addition, as students visit our library to conduct research on the Internet, we informally train them on how to use the Internet in a responsible and discriminating manner

We also provide guidance to web resources through our Web Search Tools and the procured e-resource databases, both found on the University web page


All Patrons who want to use the Library computers must book with library staff before using the computers.

  •    The initial time of booking for each patron is one (1) hour; this can be extended if there is no Patron waiting to use the computers
  •     The use of external drives, e.g. Pen drives, CDs or diskettes, shall be supervised by library staff
  •     The installation of programs on the computers is not allowed
  •     Patrons shall seek approval from library staff before downloading any document online
  •     The use of computers for games, watching of pornographic/other films is also not allowed
  •     The use of computer for browsing all social media (e.g. facebook, twitter, skype) is strictly prohibited 

Reprographic Services

The Library shall comply with prevailing copyright laws in the use of intellectual properties including electronic information resources. Under the fair use and fair dealings for the purpose of research or private study, photocopying of articles, chapters of books, etc, may be allowed. However, it shall be based on the copyright law which states that only 25% of a book can be photocopied at a time. Printing service is also available in the Library. Project work and dissertations cannot be photocopied.

General Rules & Regulations

  •    Silence shall to be observed at all times within the library
  •     As courtesy to other library users, cell phones, beepers and electronic devices should be switched off or put on silent mode in the Library
  •     Smoking is forbidden in the Library
  •     No food is allowed in the Library.
  •     Firearms and other offensive weapons are not allowed in the Library
  •     No seat shall be reserved by or for any reader. Any seat reserved shall be cleared by the library staff for use of others
  •     Library staff shall inspect any item being taken out of the Library
  •     Orderly conduct must be maintained at all times within the Library
  •     Clients must take valuable items out of their bags before leaving them.


  •     Failure to return borrowed books and related materials on due date will result in forfeiting the user’s borrowing rights for a semester
  •     Mutilation of materials shall attract paying three times the cost of the book/material
  •     Any user who steals library books or materials shall be referred to disciplinary committee for disciplinary action
  •     Students found with food and drinks in the Library shall be warned. Second time offenders shall be suspended for one month
  •     Students found making phone calls in the Library shall be cautioned and asked to leave the Library 


This policy shall be reviewed periodically based on:

  •    Consultations with other key players in information sourcing
  •     Developments in the electronic environment
  •     Refinements of Central University strategic directions
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