The Bachelor of Laws is an inter-disciplinary academic field devoted to the examination and analysis of the rules and institutions established by society to promote justice and order. It examines legal systems, the functions of law in society, and the formal rules of law together with how they are shaped by political, economic and sociocultural forces. Upon graduation, a student will have been adequately prepared to enroll in the professional bar certification programme at the Ghana School of Law.

Real-World Application

A common misconception is that careers in Law are limited and studying Law can only lead to litigation in the courtroom. In reality, though, opportunities for Law graduates are vast. As Law gives insight into the legal systems on which society functions, there is an ever-present demand for professionals with legal background in a wide variety of settings such as healthcare, banking & finance, insurance, tax administration, real estate, consulting firms, general management, international business and the public sector among others.


Essays, Case Studies, Presentations, Class Tests, Semester Examinations


Traditional legal and regulatory structures – firms, Judicial Service, Parliament, Central Government, District Assemblies, NGOs and the corporate world, including banks and insurance organizations. Graduates will be equipped with the capacity to establish their own chambers after completing the course of study at the Ghana School of Law and subsequent apprenticeship with established law firms.

Entry Requirements

WASSSCE: Credits (at least C6) in three core subjects: English, Integrated Science and

Mathematics, and three elective subjects in General Arts, Science or Business (with aggregate 20 or better); or 

SSSCE: Credit passes (A-D) in six (6) subjects comprising the following three core subjects: English, Integrated Science and Mathematics, plus three (3) other subjects.

Passes in three (3) GCE ‘A’ Level subjects or equivalent in Arts or Science, plus credits in at least five (5) GCE ‘O’ Level subjects including English, Mathematics and a Science subject (for non-science students) and an Arts subject (for Science students).

Applicants will be considered for admission if they hold HND with at least Second Class Lower Division and have credits at WASSCE/SSSCE in Three (3) core subjects and Three (3) Electives or Five (5) credits at “O” Level (including English Language and Mathematics).

• 3-Year (Full-Time) & 4-Year (Part-Time) LLB


Applicants must be first degree holders in any discipline. Applicants must write and pass an Entrance Examination and an interview

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