Kofi Akpabli teaches at the Department of Communication and Media Studies where he is also the Head of Department. His teaching areas are Corporate and Inter-Cultural Communications, Advanced Print Journalism and African Studies. Kofi is the Chief Patron of Creative Alliance, (a literary performance group) and Chief Editor of Miotso Herald (a community news portal). He is an Associate Member of the Institute of Public Relations and a Specialist Member of the Ghana Journalists Association.

Kofi Akpabli is a two-time winner of the CNN Multichoice African Journalist for Arts and Culture Awards. He is a fellow of the Tallberg Forum, Sweden; XploreFrankfurt, Germany and the United Nations Department of Public Information, New York. He is a founding member of the Ghana Cultural Forum, and has served as a Distinguished Member on the Millennium Excellence Awards Committee.

Areas of research interest

Black Atlantic Studies, Narratology, Media Studies, Tourism Communication and Inter-Cultural Communication.

Recent Publication:

Akpabli, K. (Ed). (2022). Biographical Essays of Nana SKB Asante. Accra: Digibooks

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