About the Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences

Welcome to the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences which comprises of the Departments of Economics, Environment and Development Studies, Languages, Social Sciences, William Ofori Atta Institute of Integrity as well as the Vision and Legacy Unit.  These Departments/Institutes/Units offer courses which are designed to meet emerging demands for innovative skills in the increasingly diverse job market.

Our programmes blend perfectly with some courses in other schools and faculties and therefore afford students of Central University College the opportunity to select and combine courses across schools and faculties.  All undergraduate programmes offer a minimum credit load of 120 and a maximum of 140 over an eight semester period.

The Faculty supports graduate programmes in all its Departments in collaboration with the Graduate School.

The Faculty provides modern teaching and learning avenues such as state-of-the-art language and GIS laboratories and very qualified and experienced lecturers. Come and join us, we are at your disposal.

Our Faculty by Departments

  • Department of Communication and Languages

             Head of Department -Mr. Kofi Akpabli

             English Unit Coordinator-Rev. Dr. Casimir Adjoe

  • Department of Economics

          Head of Department- Professor Adusei Jumah

  • Department Of Environment And Development Studies

          Head of Department –

  • Department of Social Sciences/

          Head of Department –Dr. John Koku 

  • Vision and Legacy Unit

         Head of Unit-

For more information on the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences you can contact:

The Faculty Officer 

Ms. Grace Asiedu 

Phone: Ext 3462 (Miotso Campus)


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