Has expertise in the teaching of all aspects of environment and development studies, including: Land and Water Resources Management, Project Management, Environmental Impact Assessment, Environmental Governance and Citizenship, Culture and Development, Nature of Not-For-Profit Organizations, etc.

Higher education span across three universities in two different countries. Has more than two decades of teaching and research experience from several universities in Ghana and Sweden, on full-time and part- time bases. Holds a PhD degree in Land and Water Resources Management from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm-Sweden in 2002.

Research interests include: natural resources management, environmental and health policy issues, climate change, land use and participatory planning decision making, environmental justice and environmental impact assessment.  

Recent publications:

  • Sarfo, I., Shuoben, B., Beibei, L. Obiri Yeboah Amankwah, S.,Yeboah, E., Koku, J.E., Nunoo,  E.K.,  &  Kwang, C.,  (2021). Spatiotemporal Development of Landuse systems, Influences and Climate Variability in Southwestern Ghana (1970–2020). Environ Dev Sustain (2021). Springer Publishers. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-021-01848-5
  • Emmanuel Yeboah, Isaac Sarfo, Michael Batame, Clement Kwang, Foster Kofi Addai, John Ernest Koku, Ben Aikins, Otoka Niabanga Dania Madeleina and Anita Boah (2022) ‘Spatial Distribution of Telecom Masts, Accessibility and Customer Hotspots in the Greater Accra Metropolitan Area, Ghana’, Archives of Current Research International, Volume 22, Issue 7, Page 55-68, 2022; Article no. ACRI.94247 ISSN: 2454-7077

Contact details:  jkoku@central.edu.gh  /   johnniekoku@gmail.com

Cell: 00233 (0)243

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