Dr. Edmund Kwablah holds a Ph.D. in Development Economics from the University of Ghana, Legon, an MPhil in Economics (University of Ghana, Legon); and a Bsc in Agricultural Economics (University of Ghana, Legon).  He is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Economics and Development Studies at Central University.  Prior to his appointment as a full-time lecturer at Central University in 2009, he worked as an adjunct lecturer at Methodist University and the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration. He is a member of the Institute of Chartered Economists of Ghana. His research interests include foreign direct investment, economic growth, and the environment.  

Area of Research Interest
Foreign direct investment, Economic growth, and the Environment

List of recent publications

Articles in Journals

Kwablah, E., & Amoah, A. (2022). Geographical determinants of foreign direct investment: evidence from sub-Saharan Africa. Transnational Corporations Review, 1-12.

Amoah, A., Kwablah, E., Kofi Taayeli, A., & Amoah, B. (2022). Is an all-inclusive educational policy a determinant of voting behavior in Ghana? International Journal of Social Economics49(5), 653-668.

Kwablah, E., & Amoah, A. (2022). Foreign direct investment and economic growth in Sub-Saharan Africa: The complementary role of economic freedom and financial market fragility. Transnational Corporations Review, 1-13.

Amoah, A., Asiama, R. K., Korle, K., &Kwablah, E. (2022). Corruption: Is a bane to renewable energy consumption in Africa? Energy Policy 163 (2022) 112854.

Amoah, A., Korle, K., & Kwablah, E., Asiama, R. K. (2022) Sustaining protected forests and forest resources in Ghana: An Empirical Evidence, Journal of Sustainable Forestry, DOI: 10.1080/10549811.2022.2123824

Tetteh, C. K., Amoah, A., Kwablah, E., Asiama, R. K., & Ahiabor, G. (2023). A test of behavioral changes to electronic levy: Evidence from mobile money transactions in a developing country. Cogent Economics & Finance11(1), 2202963.

Amoah, A., Kwablah, E., Amoah, B., & Adjei-Mantey, K. (2023). Willingness to pay for electronic transaction levy: empirical evidence from Ghana. African Journal of Economic and Management Studies.

Contact: ekwablah@central.edu.gh

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