PHD, MPhil (Public Administration, UG);  BSc Administration  (Accounting, UG); DIA (Accounting, UG); Teachers Certificate ‘A’ (UCC)

BENJAMIN OTCHERE-ANKRAH is a lecturer Management & Public Administration Department of Central Business School, Central University in Accra, Ghana. He teaches Corporate Governanace, Strategic Management, Public Administration and Risk Management. He was educated at the University of Ghana and currently pursuing a PhD course in Public Policy and Management at the same University. He trained as teacher at Akrokerri College of Education and received his certificate from the University of Cape Coast. He has over nineteen years of teaching experience at various levels of education in Ghana. He has attended several conferences and workshops including, African Business Conference (Harvard Business School, USA), Leadership and Management seminar (Yale University, USA), Entrepreneurship workshop (Northeastern University, USA), Seminar on Economics and Trade (University of Hebei, China), International Research Society for Public Management, Hungary amongst others. His research interest include: Ethics and accountability, Performance Management, Organisational Development,Strategic Planning, Corporate Governance and Policy Implementation

  • Benjamin has held several leadership positions both in industry and as a student leader,Central University:SRC Advisor, Departmental Examinations Officer, member, Students Affairs Committee, Patron, Central University Management Students Association; University of Ghana: President, Graduate Students Association, Member, University Council, Member, Residence Board, Member, Academic Board, Member, UG Finance Committee, Member, University Hostels Management Committee; Akrokerri College of Education, SRC President;  SJTE Catholic Church, Member, Parish Council, Chairman, Fundraising Commiittee; Board Member, Angle Publishng, Accra.


Yeboa-Asiamah E.,Otchere-Ankrah B., & Alesu-Dodzi S. (2018) Administrative Discretion and Development: Pet turned into a monster? In Farazmand A. (eds) Global Encyclopediaof Public Administration, Public Policy and Governance. Springer, Cham

Yeboa-Asiamah E.,Asamoah k., Buabeng T., Bawole J.N.,& Otchere-Ankrah B.(2018) Corruption in Public Administration: Stabbing the African State in the Back. In: Farazmand A. (eds) Global Encyclopediaof Public Administration, Public Policy and Governance. Springer, Cham

Otchere-Ankrah  B, Tenakwah  Snr E. & Tenakwah Jnr E. (2016), Organisational reputation & impact on employee attitude: A case study of MTN Ghana limited and Vodafone Ghana limited, journal of public affairs, Vol.

Otchere-Ankrah  B, (2015), “Managing Organisational Change: The Experience of Driver and Vehicle Licensing Authority (DVLA) of Ghana, International Public Management Review.

Tenakwah Snr E, Tenakwah Jnr E.  &  Otchere-Ankrah  B(2015), Challenges of Local Government Financing: The Case of Sefwi Wiawso Municipal Assembly, The International Journal Of Humanities & Social Studies, Vol 3.

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