The objectives of the Programme are as follows:

  • To provide quality legal training that will equip graduates with sound mental, emotional and psychological balance to fit into the public and private sectors of the economy.
  • To create the rare and right blend of legal competences and management skills that will equip individuals with the ability to operate in the public and private sectors and legal practice in general.
  • To broaden and widen the options available to students at the University.
  • To contribute to national development by making up for the shortfall in the production of persons with sufficient knowledge in law for all sectors of the economy.


The minimum admission requirements of Central University will apply. Candidates to be considered for admission into the faculty are:

a) Senior Secondary School Certificate Examinations (SSSCE) and West African Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) Candidates

  1. SSSCE Candidates: Credit Passes (A-D) in six (6) subjects comprising three core subjects, including English Language and Mathematics, plus three (3) relevant subjects.

       2. WASSCE Candidates: Credit Passes (A1-D7) in six (6) subjects comprising three core subjects, including English Language and Mathematics, plus three (3) relevant subjects.

b) General Certificate of Education (GCE) Advanced Level Candidates:

Passes in three (3) subjects (at least, one of the passes should be a Grade D or better). Also, the applicant must have had credit passes (Grade 6) in five GCE Ordinary Level subjects including English Language, Mathematics and a Science subject (for non-science students) and Arts subject (for Science students)

c) Mature Students and Professionals:

Mature students and professionals with relevant backgrounds and experience in related subject areas will be considered. An applicant should be at least 25 years of age at the time of submitting the application and must have passed either (a) five (5) O’ Level subjects including English Language and Mathematic or (b) obtained Credits in three (3) Core Subjects (English Language, Mathematics and Integrated Science or Social Studies) in WASSCE/SSSCE, plus credits in three (3) Elective Subjects.

d) Certificate in Law Candidates:

Holders of Central University’s Certificate in Law may be admitted to Level 200 of the Diploma in Law programme provided they satisfy the requirements for progression from Level 100 to 200 of the Diploma programme.

e) Foreign Applicants:

Foreign applicants must have qualifications equivalent to WASSCE, SSSCE, or GCE ’A’ Level to be considered for admission or any other nationally recognized High School Certificate (for applicants from countries outside WAEC’s aegis).  All foreign certificates are to be referred to the Ghana Tertiary Education Commission (GTEC) for determination of equivalences and eligibility for admission.  Foreign applicants must be able to read and write in English and must have their results translated into English where applicable.


To progress from level 100 to 200, the student must:

  1. Pass all core courses
  2. Attain a minimum of grade D or GPA of 1.0
  3. Have no more than three (3) grades of F in the academic year

A student who fails to satisfy the conditions above shall be placed on probation or asked to repeat the academic year depending on the gravity of failure.


Holders of the Diploma in Law from Central University may be admitted to Level 200 of the LL.B programme provided they satisfy the requirements for progression from Level 100 to 200 of the LL.B programme. In addition to possessing a Diploma in Law, the prospective candidate for admission to Level 200 of the LL.B programme should have obtained at least Grade C6 in six (6) subjects in WASSCE in order to be considered for admission to Level 200 of the LL.B programme.


Various institutions necessarily require the provision of legal services. As the economy expands, demand for paralegals is on the increase. The law impinges on, and has implications for, every economic activity. Graduates of CU Diploma in Law will find employment in traditional legal and regulatory institutions such as law firms, the Judicial Service, Parliament, Government, District Assemblies, NGOs and the corporate world, including banks and insurance organizations.

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