CU Banking and Finance Students Visit Ministry of Finance Chief Director

On Tuesday, 16 April 2024, Ms. Eva Esselba Mends, the Chief Director of the Ministry of Finance hosted fifty students from the Banking and Finance Department at the Ministry. This corporate educational visit, organized by the Head of the Banking and Finance Department, Dr. Gloria Clarissa Dzeha, is an initiative aiming to bridge the gap between academic theories and industry practices for the students.

During the visit, Ms. Mends, an expert in Public Finance Management (PFM), inspired and enlightened the students on the Ministry’s functions and its sector agencies. She presented on the history of Ghana’s Annual Budgets, highlighting the major reforms and emphasizing the distinction between public finance and corporate finance.

Discussing the “Strategic Allocation of Resources,” the Chief Director underscored that PFM is to ensure equitable distribution of public resources and income.

Some management members from the Ministry, including CU alumni, were present during the interaction. Ms. Henrietta Asiedua Gampson, President of the Banking & Finance Students Association, presented a token and citation of appreciation to Ms. Eva Esselba Mends on behalf of the students and staff for her insightful session.

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