Borrowing Books

Book Lending Services

Students, lecturers and staff shall borrow book/s over a period of time.

Inter-library Lending

The library staff shall borrow books for users from any of the Central University libraries and other libraries upon request.

Renewal of Borrowed Books

General Collection items may be renewed twice, unless another patron has requested the item(s). Materials shall be renewed before the due date.

Reservations of Library Materials

Patrons who need a book that is checked out to someone else may stop by the Circulation Desk with a valid ID to place a recall or hold request on that book. When the item has been returned, a notice will be sent out to the person who requested the hold or recall. The book(s) will be held at the Circulation Desk for 10 days. If they are not picked up by the 10th day, then they will be re-shelved.

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