African Traditional Religion

Programme Overview

The programme examines the traditional faith of the Africans, focusing on specific issues such as the concept of God, the divinities, the ancestors, prayer, and ethics.

A comparative analysis is, however, done between the dormant themes in ATR and Christian Theology with the aim of proffering a response to such existential questions as:

  • “What are the affinities between ATR and Christian Theology and why must the African Christian incorporate his or her traditional concepts into the way he or she practices his or her Christian Faith?”;
  •  “What are the dormant issues in ATR and how do they contribute to the quest for liberation and transformation on the African continent?”; and
  • “How can the church be strategically positioned to be a key player in the
    transformation or rebranding of Africa?”

The project, therefore, is an organised attempt to contribute to the conversations about identity or liberation struggles that constantly go on in our homes, churches, schools, marketplaces, mosques, stadia, health facilities, etc. This may help to erase or dispel most of the misconceptions held about ATR.

Programme Objective

The Programme will provide participants with the ability to:

  • Understand the definition of African Traditional Religion and Culture and describe the various disparaging terms or misconceptions in African Religion and Culture.
  • Identify the reasons for the study of African Traditional Religion and examine the future of African Traditional Religion.
  • Describe the nature of African Traditional Religion and establish the relationship between religion and culture.
  • State the significance of the rites of passage in African Traditional Religion and explain what proverbs and wise sayings are.
  • Discuss the classification and significance of Taboos in African Traditional Religion.

Programme Content

Participants in the programme will develop the following key modules:

Module 1: The African concept of God
Module 2: Who and what the divinities are
Module 3: Christian Concept of Sainthood and African Ancestorship
Module 4: The Grace of God and Restitution in African-Traditional Thought
Module 5: The church and African sense of community
Module 6: The Eucharist and African Communal Meal
Module 7: Biblical Christology and African Concept of Destiny
Module 8: The Bible and Polygamy in Africa
Module 9: Libation and Christian Prayer
Module 10: African Ethics and Christian ethics: Discerning the missing link
Module 11: Gospel and Culture Engagement: The Role of Bible Translation
Module 12: Human rights and African cultural values

Who should Attend?

The programme is suitable for a wide range of professionals but will be specifically beneficial to:

  • All participants who want to know more about Africa Traditional Religion
  • Foreign students who want an exchange programme in Ghana


Click HERE to register


Rev. Dr. Robert Ago Mensah

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