MPhil (UiTo), MBA (CBCL), PGCE (UL), BA Hons (UG)

I am a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Management and Public Administration, Central University. A professional teacher, an academic and a trained management professional, my specialisation is in Strategic Management and Public Administration. I obtained my undergraduate education at the University of Ghana Legon; MPhil in Public Policy & Administration at the University of Tromso, Norway; MBA in General Management from the City Business College, London U.K., and a Postgraduate Diploma in Education from the University of Lancaster, UK. As a lecturer in the Central Business School, I’m currently responsible for teaching Strategic Management and Risk Management. I have in the past, taught several courses including Public Administration, Corporate Governance, Foundations of Management, Career Development Studies and Human Resource Development at the undergraduate level as well as Negotiations and Conflict Resolution at the Graduate School. I’m currently pursuing a PhD programme in Management Studies at the Ghana Institute of Management & Public Administration (GIMPA). My proposed research topic is: “Taxonomy of Uncertainty and the Relationship among Executive Scanning, Strategic Decision-making and Firm Performance: the Role of Managerial Characteristics”

Teaching Interests

  • Strategic Management
  • Risk Management
  • Corporate Governance
  • Public Administration

Research Interests

  • Strategic Management 
  • Uncertainty & Strategic Decision-making 
  • Public Policy Analysis
  • Accountability in Governance
  • SME Research & Sustainable Development
  • Corporate Social Responsibility 

Scholarly Outputs

I am passionate about research and have undertaken a number of independent research projects and also collaborated with a few colleagues on several research projects resulting in the publication of many academic journal articles, book chapters and a book. I have a penchant for attending conferences to present my research ideas and findings. One of my conference papers “Accountability in Governance: Analysis of Judgement Debt Fraud in Ghana” won the Best Conference Paper Award from Emerald Insight publishers in 2012. In addition, I produced three course materials for the university’s Distant Learning programme and contributed two chapters of the recently launched CBS book, “Perspectives on Business and Management in Ghana”. 

International Stature

Having studied and travelled extensively, I have gained a considerable amount of knowledge and experience in the field of contemporary business management practices through thorough research and vast exposure to international best practices. I’m a member of the General Teachers’ Council of England and have taught in a number of schools across London. I have also worked as a Sales Advisor at Marks and Spencer, High Street Kensington stores for six years where I assisted with the implementation of a major restructuring programme and several business strategies.  

Since becoming a lecturer at Central University, I have attended multiples of international conferences in various countries across the world including Britain, Morocco, Nigeria, Malaysia and Denmark. My latest conference is the 4th Biennial Conference of the Africa Academy of Management (AFAM) held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia in January, 2018. These conferences were a great platform for networking and establishment of international research partners, a great opportunity which I have taken maximum advantage of. 

Professional Memberships

I’m a member of AFAM, the Social Responsibility Network and the General Teachers’ Council of England (GTC). 

Latest Publications 

1.    Agbola, R.M. (2017). The State of Public Administration in Ghana, in Puplampu, B.B., Appiah-Adu, K., & Djokoto, J.G. (eds). Perspectives on Business and Management in Ghana chp. 14. Vol. 1, pp. 385 – 434. Smartline Ltd, Ghana.

2.     Agbola, R.M. (2017). An Overview of Public Administration in Africa, in Puplampu, B.B., Appiah-Adu, K., & Djokoto, J.G. (eds). Perspectives on Business and Management in Ghana chp. 15. Vol. 1, pp. 435 – 474. Smartline Ltd, Ghana.

3.    Sokro, E. & Agbola, R.M. (2016). The Impact of Corporate Social Responsibility Performance on Customer Loyalty: Evidence from Ghana. Global Journal of Business Research, v. 10 (4) p. 67-82

4.    Agbola, R.M. & Sokro, E. (2015). Accountability in Governance: The Case of Judgement and Settlement Debt Fraud in Ghana in Crowther, D., Oubrich, M. Barzi, R. (eds), Governance, Accountability and Sustainable Development. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK, pp. 179 -202. 

5.    Agbola, R.M. & Afari-Amoah, A. (2015). Coding Systems and Effective Inventory Management of SMEs in the Retail Industry. Central Inquiry, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 46 – 65. 

6.    Amoako, G.K. AgbolaR.M. Dzogbenuku, R.K. & Sokro, E. (2013), CSR and Education: The Ghanaian and African Perspective, in Jamilah Ahmad, David Crowther (ed.) Education and Corporate Social Responsibility International Perspectives (Developments in Corporate Governance and Responsibility, Volume 4), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.185-222.

7.    Agbola, R.M. & Sokro, E (2012): “Accountability in Governance – Analysis of Judgement/Settlement Debt Fraud in Ghana”. Conference Proceedings. Online: Best Conference Paper Award Winner – from Emerald Insight. 

8.    Agbola, R.M. (2012): “The Impact of Health and Safety Management on Employee Safety at Work”. Developing Country Studies Journal. (September Issue). Available at

9.    Agbola, R.M. (2011): “The Effectiveness of Performance Appraisal as a Tool for Enhancing Employee Performance in the Public Health Sector”. Global Management Journal, Vol. 3 No. 1, 2. ISSN 2080-2951. 

10.    Amoako, G.K., Agbola, R.M., Sokro, E., & Dzogbonuku, R. (2011): “The Realities about Corporate Social Responsibility Activities of Mobile Telecommunication Firms in Ghana”. Corporate Social Responsibility Review ISSN 1759-5886.

11.    Sokro, E, Agbola, R.M., Osei-Bonsu, N & Ankrak, E (2011):“The Impact of Career Choice on Job Satisfaction among Employees in Ghana” – Indian Journal of Commerce & Management Studies Online:

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