Mrs. Eleanor Joyce Korngo Akoto is a trained Certificate ‘A’ teacher.  She holds a Master of Philosophy Degree in Business Administration (HRM), BA Sociology and Management, and a Diploma in Statistics. She is a lecturer with the Department of HRM of the Central Business School, Central University. She teaches Rewards Management, Contemporary and Ethical Issues in HRM, Organisation Development and Transformation, and Human Resource Development. Her research interest is in Human Capital Development, Women and Career Advancement, Rewards and Performance Management. She is a PhD candidate at the Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA). 


  •  Master of Philosophy in HRM (University of Ghana, Accra)
  • BA Sociology & Management (University of Ghana, Accra)
  • Diploma in Statistics (University of Ghana, Accra)
  • Cert. in Statistics (University of Ghana, Accra)
  • Teachers’ Cert. ‘A’ (University of Cape Coast)


Human Resource Development, Organizational Transformation, and rewards management  

EMAIL            :           eakoto@central.edu.gh

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