Spiritual Formation

Spiritual Formation

The department aims at creating and maintaining an environment which promotes spiritual development and Christian values on all campuses of the university. The focus of the department is to develop and manage  programmes, and provide services that will enhance the university’s mission.


Chapel Services are held twice a week. Join us on campus for prayer, worship and the reflections on the word of God.

Mataheko: Wednesday Morning (9:40 am – 11:40am) and Evening (6:00pm – 7:00pm)

Dansoman: Wednesday Morning (10:40am – 12 noon)

Miotso: Wednesday (11:00am – 1:00pm), Sunday (8:00am – 11:30am)


Devotional messages are sent to all members of staff through the intranet on daily bases.

The department also organizes morning devotions for students in their lecture halls before each day’s lectures begin. These devotions are lead by student leaders.


The Chaplaincy Department holds Evening Prayer meetings in the Miotso campus hostels from 7:00 – 8:00 pm every Wednesday.

No matter our level of spiritual maturity, connecting with God is important. Prayer is a unique and vibrant way to experience that connection in our daily lives. Come join us this and every Wednesday to end your day with worship.

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