The Vision and Legacy unit manages all university wide courses.

Cluster 1: Articulation & Information Skills
IT & Computer Science, Communication & Media Studies, & Library Services
CodeTitleCredit Hours
VLIT101Digital Literacy & Analytical Thinking1
VLCM103English Language use & Communication Skills2
The focus of this cluster is thinking, articulation and use of our various online tools deployed for blended learning.  Teaching and instruction should be used to expose students to our Virtual Learning systems and platforms, online student support services, library services and information search skills. Good English language skills for report writing, assignments, as well as spoken articulation will be stressed. Communication skills for student life, social boundary management and the world of work will be explored. The Library Services will offer focused teaching (on the use of the library facilities) for 3hrs during VL101 and 4hrs during VL103  
Cluster 2: Faith & Ethicality
Social Science
CodeTitleCredit Hours
VLSS102Development of Christian Thought & Philosophy1
VLSS104Christian Ethics & Moral Judgement 2
In this cluster, we begin a serious focus on our Faith and matters of integrity and ethical judgement. We tackle the development of protestant and reformed Christian though and philosophy. At this point in the life of the student, they are ready to deal with these very fundamental and mature considerations and implications of same on development of global society. We will seek to ensure that through the instructional programme, Christian faith is brough to the fore and critical issues of how Christianity tackles moral and ethical dilemmas are examined. This is a necessary precursor to Cluster 4.   
Cluster 3: Afrocentric Thought & Sustainability 
Social Science
CodeTitleCredit Loads
VLSS 201African History, Literature & Society1
VLSS 203Community, Environment & Sustainability*2
This Cluster focuses on our African realities and seeks to embed the values of community engagement and advocacy. It also tackles the very present challenge of environmental degradation and raises the issue of climate/environmental literacy.  It must trace African History and Civilizations and mainstream African growth and how various externally generated events harmed the continent.  
African Philosophy, virtues, value systems (such as communalism, morality, oneness, harmony), society, historical governance systems must be highlighted and explored. It must also raise the consciousness of the students in respect of how Africans should reinvent the narrative and take their destiny into their own hands through sound governance. Students will be exposed to volunteerism, social advocacy and citizen activism. Through the Environment, Community Service and Sustainability course, options for short periods of time in hospitals, prisons, schools and similar service will be explored. This Cluster will be owned by the Department of Social Sciences 
Cluster 4: Leadership, Integrity & Excellence at Work 
Social Science, Management & Public Administration 
CodeTitleCredit Hours 
VLMG 202Leadership, Entrepreneurship & Service *1 
VLSS 204The Christian in Society: Church, Work, State2 
The cluster also brings together the various issues raised in earlier courses and ties faith, and Christian practice to our life and its various manifestations, contributions and impacts. It stresses the principles of excellence through service at work, in government and at church. This Cluster will be owned and jointly delivered by the Departments of  Social Science (FASS) Management & Public Administration (CBS) 
Cluster 5: Experiential Learning
(1 Non-Teaching Credit)
1. Compulsory 4wk Community Service (CS) modules during Long Vacation of L200/300   Students would choose and then be placedChoose from 5 CS options: Teach at a Primary School Hospital/Prison Visitation Clean-up campaign Medical Evangelism In groups of 4-6, organise and deliver Legal/SME/IT Clinics in a communityNon-scoring but compulsory 5-page Report on experience(s) submitted with comments/recommendations from external supervisor
2. Participate in any two of mandatory online → Seminars in L300 second semester and L400 first semester Organised around the themes of the 4 Clusters:  Articulation & Information Skill Faith & Ethicality Afrocentric Thought & Sustainability Leadership, Integrity & Excellence at Work Non-scoring assessment in a 5pg paper on any one of the themes
Along with the course on Community Service and Leadership students will be encouraged to spend the inter-semester break devoted to 4 weeks of community service. Due to the importance of health, healthy living and the impact that health practitioners have on wellbeing, a component of this course will be devoted to exploring how health science practitioners can use faith and science to provide excellent service. Online seminars and interaction with practitioners from business, government, hospitals, and church will be fundamental to this course as will a concluding Honour Code that commits the CU student to ethical behaviour, Godly conduct, and service to humanity.  
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