In accordance with Section 21 of the Central University Statutes, a Convocation meeting was held on January 31, 2023 at the Trinity Hall. In attendance were University Management and Senior Members.

The highlight of this assembly was the Vice-Chancellor’s address, in which he presented to members, the state of the university in the year under review (2021/2022 Academic Year). Following Professor Bill Buenar Puplampu’s address, members deliberated on some of the issues raised. 

As part of the proceedings, Professor Adusei Djumah was elected the Chairman of Convocation. Meanwhile, Professor Adelaide Kastner, who was succeeded by Prof. Adusei, was also voted for to serve on the University Council as the Professoriate representative of Convocation while Mr. Bright Addy represents the non-professoriate category. 

Professor Adusei Jumah holds a Doctorate in Agricultural Economics and International Economics from the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna. He is Associate Professor and Head of Department of Economics and Development Studies. Additionally, he is Editor of Central Inquiry.

Before joining CU, he was Economics Advisor with the UNDP from 2009 to 2011. Prior to that, he was Assistant Professor of Economics at the University of Vienna from 2001 to 2009.

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