Ms. Daniella Kosiwa Anani, the Valedictorian for the class of 2023 at the 22nd congregation ceremony of Central University, opens a window into her extraordinary academic journey, sharing her challenges, moments of triumph, and the invaluable support of family and friends. While making the Banking and Finance Department proud, Daniella emerges as a beacon of inspiration for current and prospective students and offers advice and reflections on her transformative experience at the university.

Personal Triumphs and Reflections

For Daniella, being recognized as the overall best graduating student is a testament to the belief that hard work indeed pays off. In her words, “It is as though all the discipline and commitment that I put into my studies from the first day at university led to that moment of my name being called on stage.” She attributes her success not only to her efforts but also to the divine grace that has shaped her journey.

Challenges and Triumph Over Adversity

The unforeseen challenges posed by the COVID-19 lockdown during her first year marked a pivotal moment. Daniella reflects on this period, stating, “Discipline is what got me through. During the lockdown, I made it a rule for myself to learn for at least an hour every day.” Her disciplined approach not only helped her adapt to the new normal but also laid the groundwork for success in subsequent exams.

Managing time, especially during her final year, emerged as another significant challenge. Daniella acknowledges this struggle, remarking, “It was truly difficult to fit learning into my everyday schedule.” To overcome this hurdle, she embraced collaboration, studying with friends to enhance accountability. This approach not only alleviated the time management dilemma but also added a layer of camaraderie to her academic journey.

Significant Moments and Achievements

Within the tapestry of her academic journey, Daniella points to the joy of securing an A in her International Finance course as a pinnacle moment. “That was probably one of the happiest days of my life,” she recalls. The significance of academic achievements is complemented by her involvement in winning the Ford COVID-19 Challenge Fund with her Enactus Central University team. She notes, “It was as though the training process I was going through at Central University was paying off.”

Memorable Moments from the Congregation Ceremony

Recalling the congregation ceremony where she was crowned the Overall Best Student and recipient of the Chancellor’s Award, Daniella highlights two memorable moments. The first is the overwhelming experience of being called on stage for the award. She describes it as a “glorious and emotional moment, not only for me but also all the family and friends that came to support me on that day.” The second moment is the speech by the Vice Chancellor, “It made me realize that I am part of the bigger picture of a great institution” she recounted.

Advice for Students

Daniella’s journey is not just a chronicle of achievements but also a guide for those aspiring to excel academically. Her advice includes a recommendation to “study a course that you love and chose.” She emphasizes the importance of discipline and readiness to make sacrifices, stating, “Life is a tradeoff, and you cannot have it all so choose and choose well.” Breaking away from the norm, she encourages students to “be that person who dares to do things differently.”

Effective Study Techniques and Habits

Daniella shares her study techniques, highlighting the significance of consistency. “Reading my lecture notes daily is a habit that I picked from high school and applied throughout university,” she reveals. This habit allowed her to avoid the last-minute cramming and panic that often accompany exam preparations. Additionally, she underscores the importance of planning and task organization in effective time management.

Balancing Academic Pursuits with Personal Interests

The delicate balance between academic pursuits, personal interests, and extracurricular activities was a key aspect of Daniella’s success. She outlines her strategy: “I had a very clear idea of what I wanted to achieve by the time I finish university and picked my extracurricular activities with that picture in mind.” Her approach involved steadily building her academic standing in the earlier years, allowing her more flexibility in her final year to explore other interests while maintaining her grades.

Family and Friends: Pillars of Support

Daniella emphasizes the pivotal role of her family and friends in her academic journey. Regarding her family, she states, “My family is my rock and the place where I find unconditional love, peace, and financial support.” She makes special mention with great appreciation to her parents Mr. Alexis Kodjo Anani and Madam Tete Semeke Yawa. Her friends at Central University, on the other hand, were her companions through the ups and downs of the journey. “We learned together, had fun together, cried together when necessary. They made the journey enjoyable,” she affirms.

Future Aspirations and Continued Success

Looking ahead, Daniella expresses a keen interest in the field of finance. Currently undertaking her national service at an investment company, she has already taken the initial step towards her aspirations. Her future plans include building a strong professional network and obtaining relevant certifications. It is a testament to her forward-thinking approach and determination to continuously strive for excellence.

Reflections on the Academic Journey

Looking back on her time here at Central University, Daniella finds little to regret in her academic journey. Reflecting on her achievements, she states, “I achieved the major objectives that I fixed for myself both academically and personally.” However, if there’s one aspect she wishes she had paid more attention to, it would be career guidance and the opportunities available for internships and conferences while still in school.

Daniella’s journey is not just a personal triumph; it is a testament to the power of discipline, perseverance, and the unwavering support of loved ones. Her story serves as a source of inspiration for those navigating the challenging terrain of higher education, illustrating that with dedication and a clear vision, one can overcome obstacles and emerge triumphant. As she steps into the world of finance, Daniella’s narrative continues to unfold, promising further chapters of success and achievement.

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