Dr. Rosemary Kimani has expertise in the teaching of the dynamics of communication and culture, media and gender, and ethics in the use of media spanning over 15 years in both Ghana and Kenya. She is a 2012 Social Science Research Council (SSRC) dissertation proposal development fellow. Her PhD in African Studies from the University of Ghana focused on the intersections of culture, gender, and knowledge production, interrogating the nexus between intervention and local discourses in the attempts to implement development programs in an African context.
Research interests: include representation of gender in the media and use of new media by young people among others.
Recent publication:
Akpabli, K. & Kimani R. (2017). WhatsAPP with Politics Today? Use of new media by university communities for political engagement in Ghana. Central Inquiry, Vol 3. No. 1, pp. 98-116.
Contact Details:
Email: rkimani@central.edu.gh

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