Dr. Susan Ama Amuasi is a Public Health practitioner with specialty in sexual and reproductive health and a university lecturer with over 10 years’ experience.   She has expertise in both qualitative and quantitative research.  She has also worked and consulted on projects pertaining to improving the quality of health and life. She serves on several boards and bodies including Ghana Sector Skill (Healthcare sector body), Mt Zion School board, Faculty Fellow Mentor-; Human Sexuality Summer Fellowship 2021, CIIS, San Francisco, USA, Total Family Health Organisation, among others.

Research Interest: She has engaged in several academic research on topics rooted in adolescent sexual and reproductive health and development, sexual risk behaviors, maternal and Child Health, general family health, community and facility based research, gender and health issues and depression disorders especially postpartum.

Recent Publication: Ayamah, P., KS Atuahene , K, S., Annang. D. A., Nartey. D. T., Amuasi. S. A., Abrefa-Gyan. T., Aheto. K. M. J., (2023). Multiple indicators of violence against female sex workers and its associated factors in Ghana: Evidence from the 2015 integrated bio‐behavioral surveillance survey cross‐sectional study. Health Science Reports. https://doi.org/10.1002/hsr2.1243

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