Professor Moses Yartey Mensah has over three decades of professional experience in research, development and innovation both in the academia as well as in the private and public sectors of industry. Has developed and implemented a number of under- and postgraduate programmes in several Ghanaian universities. Holds a PhD degree in Environmental and Energy Engineering from the Technical University of Berlin, Germany. He has served in various capacities as an environmental and waste management consultant for a number of private and public sector establishments. Serves currently as a research professor at SRH University Berlin, Germany.

Research Interests: Served as DANIDA country coordinator and principal investigator (PI) for research projects in integrated renewable energy supply project, production of biofuels from lignocellulosic materials, biobased electricity generation for developing countries using microbial fuel cell technology and biofuels from seaweed and water hyacinth. Furthermore undertook research in desalination, biogas, biochar and activated carbon production as well as bioethanol production from agricultural residues. Other ongoing  research activities include pyrolysis, gasification, waste to energy and desalination.

Recent publications

1. Ami, J., Asiedu, N. Y., Thygesen, A., Mensah, M. (2022), Optimization of Reducing Sugar Concentration from Ulva fasciata using cellulase via Response Surface Methodology Techniques, Industrial Biotechnology

2. Fanyin – Martin, A., Asiedu, N. Y., Ami, J., Acheampong, N.A., Mensah, M. (2022), Modeling and optimization of Reducing Sugar Concentration of SternEnzym Hydrolyzed Fruit peels via Response Surface Methodology. Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Vol 120. DOI: 10.22541/au.166115355.59312516/v1

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