Dr. Kretchy is a Public Health Biomedical Scientist with over 15 years of teaching and research experience in higher education.
He obtained his PhD in Public Health from the University of Ghana School of Public Health, Ghana, in collaboration with the
University of Copenhagen School of Global Health, Denmark. He was a DANIDA doctoral research Fellow and a visiting doctoral
research Fellow to the Karolinska Institute in Sweden, during his PhD. His scholarly productivity is evidenced in research articles,
book chapters, newspaper articles, among others, focusing on public health, infectious diseases, and One Health. He is a reviewer
for many reputable academic journals, has attended and presented papers in both local and international conferences. Dr. Kretchy
is an academic advisor, supervisor, and a mentor to both undergraduate and graduate students as well as a patron to a students’
Below are selected recent publications.
Park, S. H., Hong, S. H., Kim, K., Lee, S. W., Yon, D. K., Jung, S. J., …Kretchy, J. P…., Smith, L. (2023). Non‐
pharmaceutical interventions reduce the incidence, and mortality of COVID‐19: A study based on the survey from the
International COVID‐19 Research Network (ICRN). Journal of Medical Virology. 2023(95):e28354.
Kretchy, J. P*. (2022). Soil-transmissible helminths; diagnosis, transmission dynamics, and disease management
strategies in low-and middle-income countries. In “Parasitic helminths and zoonoses – From basic to applied research”.
Ed. Morales-Montor, J. Intech Open Publishers. ISBN 978-1-80355-568-3.
Oli, A. N., Onyeaso, N., Emencheta, S. C., Ofomata, C. M., Kretchy, J. P., Okhamafe, A., Ele, G. N. (2021). Evaluating
antimicrobial prescribing in a tertiary healthcare institution in Nigeria. Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice.
Contact information.
Office: Room # 11 Public Health Department, Plaza Building, Miotso Campus.
Email address: jkretchy@central.edu.gh

Web indicator: ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1535-937X

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