Feikoab is a budding scholar with some modest years of teaching experience and a strong appetite for research. He obtained both his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in psychology from the University of Ghana, Legon. Apart from his teaching engagement at Central University, he is a research consultant on drug policy reform and is a licensed psychologist in Ghana and a National Executive Committee member of the Ghana Psychological Association with the goal of promoting holistic health through quality mental health.

Research interests: Generally interested in inter/multidisciplinary research, mental health, and a growing interest in preventive science/psychology.


Selected Book chapters

Hansen-Garshong, R., Parimah, F., Kekesi, E. & Agyemang, C.B. (2023), “Innovative Entrepreneurship in Challenging Contexts: Innovative Human Resource Practices Among Ghanaian Female Entrepreneurs”, Elkington, R., Ngunjiri, F.W., Burgess, G.J., Majola, X., Schwella, E. and de Klerk, N. (Ed.) African Leadership: Powerful Paradigms for the 21st Century, Emerald Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 111-118.

Agyemang, C. B., Parimah, F., & Acquah-Coleman, R. (2022). Born in 1990 but I am 20 years old today – football age: Is it only in football? In C. C. Mate-Kole & A. Essuman, Contemporary issues in ageing in Ghana: A multidisciplinary approach (pp. 293–317). Digibooks.

Parimah F., Kwakye-Nuako C.O., Ane MG., Debrah T.P., Ashinyo M.E., & Hanu S.C. (2021). The Experiences of People Who Use Drugs and Their Encounters with the Police in Ghana. In: Chan H.C.., Adjorlolo S. (eds) Crime, Mental Health and the Criminal Justice System in Africa. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Parimah F., Owusu J.O., & Appiah-Honny S.A. (2021). A Study of Drug Use and Socio-Demographic Characteristics of Male Prisoners in Ghana. In: Chan H.C.., Adjorlolo S. (eds) Crime, Mental Health and the Criminal Justice System in Africa. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

Selected Journal articles

Agyemang, C. B., Asumeng, M., Amponsah, B., Mate-Kole, C. C. & Parimah, F. (2023). “Living a lie at the workplace”: Ghanaian Media Practitioners’ understanding of emotional labour and response patterns. IFE PsychologIA, 31(1), 106-121.

Parimah, F., Kwakye-Nuako C.O., Ane MG., Debrah T.P., Ashinyo M.E., & Hanu S.C. (2022). Familial role and drug users’ interaction with rehabilitation centres in Ghana. African Journal Drug and Alcohol Studies, 21(1-2), 1-17.

Agyemang, C. B., & Parimah, F. (2022). Media reportage of suicide among police officers in Ghana: A mixed method analysis. Cogent Social Sciences, 8(1).

Parimah, F., Davour, M. J., Tetteh, C. & Okere-Twum, E. (2021). Shisha use is associated with deviance among high school students in Accra, Ghana. Journal of Psychoactive Drugs.

Parimah, F., Davour, M. J., Kwakye-Nuako, C. O., Ansah, K. O.,  Adade, A., & Adih, P. (2021). A snapshot of emotional harms caused by the litigation process – Qualitative data from Ghana. Forensic Science International: Mind and Law.

Parimah, F., Owusu, J. O., Solomon, A. T., & Appiah-Honny, S. A. (2020). Correlates of drug use among offenders in some prisons in Ghana. International Journal of Offender Therapy and Comparative Criminology.

Parimah, F., Davour, M. J., Kwakye-Nuako, C. O., & Adih, P. (2020). Stress and coping among litigants in the civil litigation process in Ghana. The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology, 31(2), 331-343.

Parimah, F., Davour, M. J., Kofi, C. C. & Winder, B. (2018). Restorative justice ideology among High School teachers in Ghana: Investigating the role of collectivism and personality. Contemporary Justice Review: Issues in Criminal, Social, and Restorative Justice.

Parimah, F., Davour, M. J. & Kofi, C. C. (2018). Risk Perception and Fear of Terrorism: An Assessment of Risk Amplification in a Ghanaian Sample. Ife PsychologIA 26(1), 105-119.

Parimah, F., Osafo, J., Nyarko, K., & Anakwah, N. (2017). Community Service for Misdemeanours in Accra: Preferences of Offenders, Victims, Judiciary and Community Members. Journal of Psychology in Africa, 27(5), 455-457.

Parimah, F., Osafo, J., & Nyarko, K. (2016). Community Sentencing of Petty Offenders: An Exploration of Stakeholders’ Attitudes in Accra. Ife PsychologIA 24(2), 47-57.

Parimah, F., Kofi, C.C., Anakwah, N., & Opoku, J. Y. (2016). Personality and fear of Terrorist attacks in Ghana: The mediating role of Risk Perception. Ife PsychologIA, 24(2), 95-102.

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